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Economic Hero Profile

James Busse
President of Tampa Bay EZ Payment Merchant Services
Home Town – Tampa, Hyde Park neighborhood.

Busse is our economic hero of the week for the fantastic growth of his booming business. Revenues have increased by over 50% this quarter. His leading the firm to great growth this year proves the economic vitality of Tampa Bay is strong.

83 Degrees: Tell us how large your business growth has been.
Busse: Our personal bankruptcy case load is up nearly 50% over last year, while business liquidations have increased by 52%.

83 Degrees: How have you been able to attract such a phenomenal rise in business?
Well, those numbers are in line with the growth in our local bankruptcy filings, the rising red ink in Tampa Bay is rising our boat.

83 Degrees: Well surely then things must be worse everywhere else?
No, this is pretty much the happy land for bankruptcy attorneys, second only to central California in bankruptcy filings.

83 Degrees: So then you are at the forefront of a Tampa Bay growth industry?
Well, yes, me and my brother the undertaker.

83 Degrees: Wow, a family of trailblazers making Tampa Bay an economic powerhouse!
Oh yeah, that is us.

83 Degrees: Any advice for kids graduating from school in Florida this year?
Good luck and see you soon is all that comes to mind.